Efren Reyes Wins The 2006 Derby City Classic One Pocket Event
Executive West Hotel, Louisville, KY - The One Pocket Hall of Famer Efren "Bata" Reyes did what was expected of him as he topped the One Pocket Event of the 2006 Derby City Classic by defeating Jason Miller 3-0 in the finals. He cashed in $11,000 for the event. It was the 4th time that Reyes joined the event, and in all 4 times he became the champ - 1999, 2004, 2005, 2006.
He was beautiful to watch in the finals. He made everything he went for, with the exception of one shot. It was described as the finest example of one-pocket in a final match by several spectators.
Alex "The Lion" Pagulayan was able to reach the semis but Reyes defeated him 3-1, he finished 3rd, with $3,400 for the event. The other finalist and eventual 2006 Derby City Classic "Master of the Table" winner, Jason Miller, got lucky by drawing a bye for the finals, leaving the 2 Filipinos to battle it out in the semis.
One Pocket
Requiring an intricate combination of strategy and finesse that all billiards players admire, One-Pocket sets a slower more deliberate pace. It is a game of chess played on a billiard table, with feints, advances, retreats and attacks. Allowed only one pocket to score points, each player must still use the entire table as his playing field, calling upon every skill, shot and ability in his repertoire. He must exhibit the patience and wisdom to protect his position and the cunning to seize opportunity immediately. This is a game that often attracts the premier players , those who with time and attention have honed their skills to a fine, overall edge. -www.derbycityclassic.com-
2006 Derby City Classic Results (Jan 6 - 14, 2006) - Filipinos Did Not Disappoint
9-Ball Event
1st Place - Ralf Souquet (GER)
2nd Place - Rodolfo Luat (PHI)
3rd Place - Efren Reyes (PHI) & Johnny Archer (USA)
9-Ball Bank Event
1st Place - Jason Miller (USA)
2nd Place - Jason Kirkwood (USA)
One Pocket Event
1st Place - Efren Reyes (PHI)
2nd Place - Jason Miller (USA)
3rd Place - Alex Pagulayan (PHI)
"Master of the Table"
1st Place - Jason Miller (USA)
2nd Place - Efren Reyes (PHI)
3rd Place - Alex Pagulayan (PHI)

He was beautiful to watch in the finals. He made everything he went for, with the exception of one shot. It was described as the finest example of one-pocket in a final match by several spectators.
Alex "The Lion" Pagulayan was able to reach the semis but Reyes defeated him 3-1, he finished 3rd, with $3,400 for the event. The other finalist and eventual 2006 Derby City Classic "Master of the Table" winner, Jason Miller, got lucky by drawing a bye for the finals, leaving the 2 Filipinos to battle it out in the semis.
Requiring an intricate combination of strategy and finesse that all billiards players admire, One-Pocket sets a slower more deliberate pace. It is a game of chess played on a billiard table, with feints, advances, retreats and attacks. Allowed only one pocket to score points, each player must still use the entire table as his playing field, calling upon every skill, shot and ability in his repertoire. He must exhibit the patience and wisdom to protect his position and the cunning to seize opportunity immediately. This is a game that often attracts the premier players , those who with time and attention have honed their skills to a fine, overall edge. -www.derbycityclassic.com-
2006 Derby City Classic Results (Jan 6 - 14, 2006) - Filipinos Did Not Disappoint
9-Ball Event
1st Place - Ralf Souquet (GER)
2nd Place - Rodolfo Luat (PHI)
3rd Place - Efren Reyes (PHI) & Johnny Archer (USA)
9-Ball Bank Event
1st Place - Jason Miller (USA)
2nd Place - Jason Kirkwood (USA)
One Pocket Event
1st Place - Efren Reyes (PHI)
2nd Place - Jason Miller (USA)
3rd Place - Alex Pagulayan (PHI)
"Master of the Table"
1st Place - Jason Miller (USA)
2nd Place - Efren Reyes (PHI)
3rd Place - Alex Pagulayan (PHI)